Should I remove widgets that increase my site's load time

We have a request from aerial Sanguinetti in capital federal argentina ariel wants to know i'm trying to make my site faster.

But i noticed that facebook widgets slows them down should i remove them i think that it's useful for users to see how many people likes a page don't you so my rough answer is yes that is useful and my rough answer is do what's best for the user that's what's first and foremost because that's what's going to attract more users more loyalty more buzz people linking to you people talking about you that's the main thing you want to care about.

So whenever Google talked about using page speed or site speed as a relevant possible signal in our scoring results a lot of people went too far in one direction and they're like ah I have to get down mysite speed I have to take these two pieces of JavaScript and I have to compress them together it all needs to be in one file and everything has to be one single image load and it's all got to be perfect and spreaded and that is good for user experience

And it is important to pay attention to how fast your site loads and what the user experience is like but you don't have to go overboard remember if we're using site or PageSpeed in our search results it's only one of more than 200 different factors it doesn't change that the quality of your content and how good your site is and how many you know greatblog posts or whatever you have on your site those are the main determinants of how well you'll rank.

So I wouldn'trecommend getting rid of widgets whether they be from facebook or whether they be ads or whatever just because the server that's you're remotely talking to is a little bit slower there are plenty of ways that you can do things that arewhat we call a synchronous so for example we might look at the time that it takes until you reach the onload event but that doesn't mean that JavaScript can't keep happening after the onload event so Google Analytics for example now provides a new snippet of JavaScript code that will not affect the load time in any significant way and that also is really good for the user experience so it's always possible the Facebook will offer those sort of widgets that are asynchronous.

But in the meantime speed is not going to affect the vast majority of sites remember it's it's a relatively small percentage of sites that are affected by this so if it helps your user experience in any way eh I wouldn't worry that much about whether a particular widget is a little bit slower than some other parts of the site there will be time to figure out ways to make the web faster what we wanted to do will start the conversation so that people don't just think about the quality of their content they also think about the quality of the content as it's loaded in the real world by a web browser to sort of think about the user experience and how compelling that user experience is so what we're doing  is just the first small step on that way but it's already prompted a lot of people to think about this entirely new dimension of their website and that's really useful at the same time you don't have to go overboard and get to the point where you're really worrying about whether you include an extra image or two this is something that only affectssmall percentage of sites so the first thing you should be thinking about is how can i make my sight better for users and that's the thing that the main factor you